Chapter 8: A Cosmic Restart
Before Jinjing could leave, the door of the Lunar Oasis burst open, and Jeffery stormed out, his face a mask of determination. “I’ve had enough, Jinjing,” he declared, his voice echoing across the lunar landscape. “We’re settling this right here, right now.”
Jinjing turned slowly, a smirk playing on his lips. “Ah, Jeffrey. Always so dramatic. What seems to be the problem?”
“Why have you brought Alana into this?” Jeffrey demanded, his fists clenched at his sides. “She has nothing to do with our past.”
Jinjing laughed, the sound cold and arrogant. “Oh, Jeffrey. Still so naive. Alana is the key to our future. Besides, it’s always more interesting with a beautiful lady involved.”
Jeffrey’s eyes narrowed. “This isn’t a game, Jinjing. You can’t just use people like pawns.”
Jinjing raised an eyebrow, amused. “A game, you say? Well, if it’s a game you want, how about we settle this with a duel? The winner gets the lady.”
Alana gasped, her heart racing. She stepped forward, ready to protest, but Patty, who had been peering out the door, hopped over to her. “You ought to capture this with your smartphone camera,” he whispered, his eyes wide with excitement.
Alana hesitated, then pulled out her phone, her hands trembling. She didn’t want to encourage this madness, but she also knew she needed to document whatever was about to happen.

“Fine,” Jeffrey said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. “What’s your challenge, Jinjing?”
Jinjing’s smile widened. “A duel of wits, of course. We’ll each answer questions about Alana, and whoever knows her better wins.”
Jeffrey glanced at Alana, his expression softening for a moment. “Are you okay with this?” he asked her quietly.
Alana nodded, though she felt anything but okay. “Just… be careful,” she whispered back.
Jinjing clapped his hands, summoning one of his robot minotaurs. “Bring us the challenge box,” he ordered.
The minotaur returned moments later, carrying a sleek black box. Jinjing opened it with a flourish, revealing a series of cards with questions written on them.
“Shall we begin?” Jinjing asked, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.
Alana interjected, “Wait, I think it would be better if I write down my answers first, and then Chef Bot can ask the questions. That way, it’s fair.”
Jinjing and Jeffery both nodded in agreement. Alana quickly scribbled down her answers and handed them to Chef Bot, who scanned them into his database.
“The first question,” Chef Bot announced, “is: What is Alana’s favorite book?”
Jeffery didn’t hesitate. “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.”
Jinjing smirked. “You beat me to it.”
“Jeffery is correct,” Chef Bot confirmed, showing Alana’s written answer.
“Next question: What is Alana’s favorite color?”
“Blue,” Jeffrey and Jinjing answered simultaneously.
“Correct,” Chef Bot said again.
“Third question: What is Alana’s greatest fear?”
Jeffery paused, thinking.
“Dying alone,” Jinjing countered confidently.
Chef Bot checked the answer and nodded. “Jinjing is correct.”
Jeffery and Jinjing exchanged wary glances, the competition heating up.

“Final question: What is Alana’s biggest dream?”
Jeffrey looked at Alana, his eyes softening. “To be happy and to write beautiful stories.”
Jinjing paused, then said, “To make a significant impact on the world with her words.”
Chef Bot nodded. “Both are correct. Alana wrote, “To write stories that make me happy and inspire people.'”
“It’s a tie,” Chef Bot declared.
Jinjing’s expression was unreadable as he looked at Jeffery. “Seems we both know her quite well.”
Jeffery stepped closer, his gaze unwavering. “This proves that you can’t just waltz in and assume you know everything. Alana is not a prize to be won.”
Jinjing’s eyes blazed with anger. “You think you can just take everything from me, don’t you?”
Jeffery shook his head. “This isn’t about taking anything from you. It’s about respecting Alana’s choices and freedom.”
Jinjing looked at Alana, his expression softening slightly. “Alana, do you really want to be with him?”
Alana took a deep breath and stepped forward, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke. “Jinjing, Jeffery, this isn’t about choosing sides or winning. The truth is… I care for both of you. I can’t choose between you. Each of you holds a special place in my heart.”
Jeffery and Jinjing stared at her, both momentarily speechless. The shock and confusion were evident on their faces.
Alana continued, her voice steadier now. “This situation is tearing us apart, and it’s not fair to any of us. I came here to escape my worries, not to find myself caught in the middle of an old rivalry. What I want is for both of you to rebuild your friendship and work together to make the moon a more habitable and wonderful place. You both have incredible talents and visions. Imagine what you could achieve if you combined your strengths.”
Jeffery finally found his voice. “Alana… I never realized how much this affected you. I’m sorry.”
Jinjing nodded, his arrogance replaced by a genuine look of remorse. “I didn’t mean to cause so much chaos. I’ve been blinded by my own ambitions and grudges.”
Alana smiled softly. “It’s not too late to change. You both have the power to create something amazing here. Use this opportunity to heal old wounds and build a future together.”
Jeffery and Jinjing exchanged a look, then nodded in agreement.
“You’re right,” Jeffery said. “We can do this together, Jinjing.”
Jinjing extended his hand once more. “Let’s put the past behind us and work towards a better future.”
Jeffery shook his hand firmly, a smile spreading across his face. “Agreed. To a new beginning.”
Alana felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had done what she could to mend their broken friendship and set them on a path toward collaboration. “I’m glad to see this,” she said. “But as much as I love the moon, I think it’s time for me to go back home. I’ve had an incredible adventure, but I belong on Earth.”
Jeffery nodded. “We’ll make sure you get back safely, Alana. And thank you for helping us see what’s truly important.”
Jinjing smiled, a genuine warmth in his eyes. “You’re always welcome here, Alana. We’ll keep in touch, and you can visit anytime.”
As they stood there, united in their resolve to move forward, Alana felt a sense of peace. She knew that the bonds they were forming now would lead to a brighter future for all of them.
* * * * * * * * * *
A year and a half later, Alana sat in the same cozy café where she had first met Jeffery Vance, savoring the warm aroma of her cappuccino. But she was not the same Alana anymore. Returning to Earth had ignited her creativity, leading her to write her first bestseller, “To the Moon and Back“, inspired by her extraordinary adventure. Her career had skyrocketed, and life had taken a positive turn. Her ex had even begged her to take him back, and for the first time, she could confidently say ‘no’.

She often texted Jeffery and Jinjing to hear about the amazing progress they were making on the moon. Patty missed them too, but mostly Chefbot’s wholesome cooking. Alana was smiling to herself, immersed in her thoughts, when someone cleared their throat to get her attention. She looked up to see Jeffery, looking as neat and posh as ever.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked, his eyes twinkling.
“Jeffery!” Alana exclaimed, her face lighting up. “Of course, have a seat.”
Jeffery sat down, setting his own cup of coffee on the table. “It’s good to see you, Alana. You look fantastic.”
“Thank you,” she said, blushing slightly. “So do you. How have you been? How’s everything on the moon?”
Jeffery grinned. “Busy, but in a good way. Jinjing and I have made a lot of progress. The moon is slowly becoming a place where people can live and thrive. It’s been an incredible journey.”
“I’m so happy to hear that,” Alana said, genuinely pleased. “And how’s Jinjing? Still as charismatic as ever?”
“Charismatic and then some,” Jeffery chuckled. “But we’ve managed to find a balance. Working together has been surprisingly rewarding.”
Alana nodded, taking a sip of her coffee. “I’m glad. It sounds like things have really changed for the better.”
“They have,” Jeffery agreed. “And what about you? I hear ‘To the Moon and Back’ is a huge success.”
Alana smiled. “It is. It’s been a whirlwind, but I’m enjoying every moment. Writing has always been my passion, and now I get to do it full-time.”
Jeffery looked at her thoughtfully. “You know, your book inspired a lot of people. Including me. I realized how much I missed being on Earth sometimes, and how important it is to stay connected to the people who matter.”
“That’s wonderful to hear,” Alana said, touched. “I’m glad my story could have that kind of impact.”
Jeffery reached across the table and took her hand. “Alana, I need to be honest with you. I didn’t stop thinking about you for a single day. Jinjing actually encouraged me to come here and tell you how much you mean to me. He even said that the algorithm suggests that we belong together.”
Alana’s heart skipped a beat. “Jeffery…”
He continued, “Would you like to go out with me? I want to begin a real relationship, one where we don’t have to be light-years apart.”
Alana squeezed his hand, her heart swelling with warmth. “I’d love that, Jeffery.”
Gazing into Jeffery’s warm and bright eyes, Alana realized that this was the beginning of a new chapter in her life—one filled with love, adventure, and endless possibilities. The couple talked about their future together, new adventures, shared dreams, and a life that balanced their time between the wonders of the moon and the comforts of Earth.
As for Patty, he was in for more of Chefbot’s unparalleled meal preparations during their visits the moon, adding another delightful element to their extraordinary journey.
* * * * * * * * * *

Gloria was born with a passion for writing and The Witty Minds is where she flaunts her creativity. She is a health and fitness freak, movie buff, animal lover, and coffee addict.