Categories: Health & Wellness

Common Habits causing Anxiety or contributing to it

Are you continuously wound up, restless, or on edge? This is an indication that you suffer from anxiety. It is a kind of mental disorder that elevates adrenaline levels and immerses you in a state of panic. You cannot concentrate on anything, become increasingly irritable, undergo unexplainable headaches/fatigue, and suffer from insomnia.

Anxiety is not necessarily related to a traumatic event, depressing memories, or an inevitable difficult situation. Sometimes, it is triggered by harmless or unhealthy habits that are a part of our lifestyle. Common unhealthy habits causing anxiety or contributing to it are as follows:

1.     Staying up Late

What’s wrong with a little midnight rendezvous, right? It shouldn’t be a problem if you make late-night plans once in a blue moon, but turning it into a regular thing is injurious to health. You sacrifice much-needed sleep for mindless scrolling and streaming.

Whatever activity keeps your mind occupied during bedtime hours is a hazard; it could be chatting with an overseas friend, studying for an upcoming exam, catching up on work assignments, or contemplating life choices. Whatever it is you do is not worth the consequences.

2.     Procrastination

The deadline is so far away, so why sweat it now? That’s one of the many excuses procrastinators have to offer to put off work. The so-called ‘tomorrow’ never arrives and nerves kick in at the eleventh hour.

Procrastination murders focus and punctuality; the last-minute efforts to get something done are usually haphazard, and it shows. Why not complete your tasks in a timely manner and let your mind at ease for a change? Try it today, and I assure you won’t regret it.

3.     Staying glued to your phone

I’d say it’s obvious that your phone is smarter than you and you’re absolutely smitten, but sadly that relationship is toxic. You may have tried silencing your smartphone, but that does not stop you from checking it every 30 seconds.

If you have work to do, you need to put the phone someplace where it can no longer distract you. App notifications never cease and neither will your anxiety if you give in to the temptation to look every time. A little distance from your phone will boost your brain cells and you’ll feel alive like never before.

4.     Drinking Coffee like Water

Coffee is the magic potion that kick-starts our day and even incorporates certain health benefits, but consuming excessive amounts can be lethal. Too much caffeine in your system can cause adverse effects, so limit yourself to 3-4 cups a day.

Do not substitute coffee for water, unless you want anxiety to drive you toward insanity. Reserve coffee for daylight hours while you’re on the job and never have it near bedtime; otherwise, it will interfere with your sleeping cycle and lead to tiresome mornings.

5.     Skipping Meals & Eating on the Go

You’re telling me you don’t remember the last time you sat down to eat a wholesome meal? I get it that you’re a busy bee, but living on fast food is equivalent to trading your soul for a handful of magic beans; trust me when I say that is quite an awful deal.

The processed foods and sweet drinks you grab mindlessly are slow poison. The high sugar, sodium, and/or saturated fat content in them can be described as ‘anxiety amplifiers’. Slow down for a bit and prepare your meals with fresh and ground ingredients.

6.     Keeping Negative Company

Sometimes the problem is not you, but the people you surround yourself with. If your peers are continuously whining, criticizing/backbiting, and comparing themselves to others, you will be compelled to do the same.

When you only focus on the negative aspects of your life, anxiety will automatically overwhelm find a way into your head. If your friends make you anxious, it is time you find new ones that provide happiness and comfort.  

7.     Excessive exposure to news and gossip

It is wise to keep up with current affairs and the latest trends, but don’t make it the purpose of your existence. Not everything you see and hear on social media is true, so do not get emotionally involved. The media and public create false hype that is aimed to get your attention and make you worry about things that don’t matter.

8.     Sitting Idle

Taking breaks throughout the day to replenish spent energy is recommended. However, taking a break does not mean sitting idle. The point of taking a break is to briefly engage in an activity that allows you to de-stress and relax.

For example, you could go for a walk, play a game, or make small talk with a friend/colleague. When you sit idle, your brain involuntarily invites intrusive thoughts that cause anxiety.

9.     Bringing Work Home

Mixing personal and professional life is always a bad idea. You should limit work to office hours and concentrate on your family (and yourself) when you get home. If you can’t stop taking work calls and talking about work off the clock, you know you have a problem. Don’t let your job become your life or you’ll lose everything else.

10.Saying ‘Yes’ to Everything

Having too much on one’s plate is a major contributor to anxiety. This happens when you try to be infinitely available and do everything. You will be able to beat your anxiety the day you learn to say ‘No’. Saying ‘No’ is not a crime, so no need to fidget, hesitate, or feel ashamed.

For instance, if you already have outing plans with family for Friday night, you don’t agree to babysit your colleague’s toddler. You have a life and the right to take a rain check when busy or tired.

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