Guest Posting

Guest Posting Guidelines for the The Witty Minds Blog

Thank you for your interest in The Witty Minds blog! We welcome guest posts from authors worldwide, as they add diversity and variety to our content. We would love to hear your story or point of view on topics relative to our niche. We do not charge anything for guest posts, as our goal is to promote upcoming and talented writers.

A little about our Blog

Our blog covers various topics from the lifestyle niche, but we also publish creative content, such as stories and poetry as well. We accept blogs that are informative and intellectual, but also entertaining. We maintain a friendly and conversational tone, so that our content is fun and refreshing for the audience. Overly promotional content and blogs that are not compatible with our niche shall be rejected.

We mainly accept guest posts falling under the following categories:

  • -Health & Wellness
  • -Self-development
  • -Entertainment
  • -Relationships
  • -Home Improvement
  • -Inspirational Stories (Real-life and Fiction)
  • -Pet Care
  • -Poems/Poetry

We do not accept content that has already been published to another site, and you cannot redistribute content that we have published. We reserve all rights to the content we publish, so we can edit it or make changes as we please. The author is given credit for their contribution and is free to share the link on social media.

General Guidelines for Submitting Guest Post

  1. Familiarize yourself with our blog before you send us a pitch, blog topic, or a complete article. Read or go through at least a few of our blogs to get a feel of the tone and understand what we are looking for. You will also get the idea of how we organize our blogs, as well as the overall quality of our content.
  2. We would appreciate a topic that has not already been covered by our blog. However, we will consider pieces that complement or further explore subjects we have already talked about. We are eager to discover a different perspective or fresh angle on things previously discussed.
  3. We require blogs that are 1000-2000 words long. Slightly shorter or longer articles can be approved if the word limit satisfies the purpose of the subject.
  4. Include a Meta description of up to 160 characters.
  5. Add original or copyright-free images to supplement the article (optional). Do not use images that are copyrighted or don’t belong to you.
  6. Your submission should be 100% plagiarism-free. We do not allow spun articles.
  7. Proof read your content to eliminate spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  8. Don’t forget to add a brief Author Bio (2-3 sentences) and an Author Photo at the end of the article. You may add links to your website and social profiles.
  9. One free do-follow backlink is allowed in the body of the article, which should be relevant to the topic.
  10. Proper formatting is necessary. Divide your content into small paragraphs, headings, and subheadings where applicable.

Where to submit a Guest Post?

You can send us a pitch, a topic you want to write about, or a complete blog at:

We will get back to you within 48 hours and publish your blog as soon as possible, given that it meets our requirements.